Want to check if you are getting the promised broadband speed? Here’s a site that can help Log on to Speedtest.net, a website that provides an application which runs a small test on your Internet connection and tells you what speeds you are getting currently. Measure the speed at different times of day, especially during[…]
So why we hate Internet explorer, this nice lil script will crash your IE(internet Explorer). This is not some big script, rather its a small code, which we do everyday while making a simple html page.
The demo can be just Visualized Here …..
Today my brother asked me what are dat files and how to open them. Recalling the history of 2-3 years, i told him that dat files were used for VIDEO CDs formats (as he is a layman) and if he can see a video playing when opened in Window Media Player then the files are of his use, other wise that dat file is useless for him.
But he claimed that it is urgent for him, as he got this as an attachment from a foreign college where he is suppose to go next month. Oh Mann! now what is that for ?
I was aware of the fact that, Dat files are usually used to store data which can only be accessed using third party software or any application, and can’t be opened simply double clicking the file.
So i asked him to send me those files. I started to search about this file, the file name was winmail.dat(most probably you are here using these keywords only). This format is actually used by Outlook express to send the attachments, yeah the filthy Microsoft has to play around with its tricks. So when someone sends an attachment using outlook express the attachment sometimes is encoded using .dat file and the users are unable to open these attachments using webmail like rediff etc etc.(i doubt gmail can crack these dat files, after all google rox). Guys it took 5mins for me to crack those files using and here are the two solutions which i would recommend :
Many of my friends and client one or other day ask me about how to use Outlook express. Or they receive email which shows the images embedded in them instead of an attachment(HTML emails), well the answer is that these emails are sent using outlook express. Errr.. what is that for ? Outlook express is an email client by microsoft, by default the client comes with the name windows email (with the process name msimn.exe) and the advanced version which integrated with your scheduler, day planners etc with the name Outlook Express and is installed with your Microsoft Office’s install. It is quite easy to configure these email clients and once they are done it is easy to use.
So why the heavens would one want this client when we can certainly open the site http://gmail.com or http://mail.yahoo.com and check email at one go ? Well outlook express is used when you need to download your emails into your computer so that you can read them even while you are not connected to internet. Please mind it you can only read the emails which are already downloaded without using internet.
And yeah it is worth mentioning that many popular email service providers like gmail, yahoo let us access email through these clients using POP3 access. Now coming straight to the point without wasting much of your time.
Hi all, Have you ever wanted to store your secret files more safely, so that no one but you know what is there and how it can be retrieved ? Well it is very simple yet powerful methodology to do that.. You just need is WINRAR installed in your computer and a little command prompt[…]
So you are unable to change the hosts file in windows vista. eh ? Mr. gill bates made it secure(as they believe), well it is secure just for the local user and nothing else.. Anyways, to change the hosts, you got do a little linux kinda appraoch.. Press start type notepad and when you see[…]
“mann.. i lost it .. i had that searched that yesterday, but i cant recall the link at this time” . i used to say this few months ago.. but now what made me write this blog.. i want to share some information with my friends.. Whenever you search in google, you sometimes dont remember[…]
After you installed the beautiful netgear’s wireless Lan Card, suddenly you realized that after a reboot, you computer/laptop asks for a password, phewwww what is that ? You never had one and even if you had, then the screen used to have a nice GUI but it has changed to a classic login screen.. aww[…]
hi guys, you took a cool breath when you searched this on google, right ? well yeah.. lotsa of my friends have been poking me lately cause they think i infected their Laptops/PC when they were not around .. hahahah.. that adds devil smile on my face, cause i did not do it but they[…]
So you got Windows Vista, eh shiney .. ?? Everything is glittering, nice GUI, nice aero effects.. but what suddenly you click any administrative program it just snatches everything and shows a prompt window with black background to ask you to allow that task or, wow you are an administrator no :p The billy team[…]
Not a Microsoft lover, but somehow installed windows vista ultimate today.. Wanted to see what it has stored for me. I was happy with the GUI after its RC built. It was most probably bug free :p .. So i wandered around with the stuff in the windows, I was quite uncomfortable with it, but[…]
Well, lately one of my friend got this worm in her pc and this issue is getting on her nerves and mine too. Cause i am added in her messenger list and after every 5 seconds her ID sends me a message which directs me to open a link and view her PICS 😀 EXAMPLE:[…]
Every Good Thing has some flaws and so does our favorite handset manufacturer NOKIA has got. It is the leading manufacturer today making large number of models every month rather week. But today i was shocked when i heard the news that 3.5 crores of nokia’s batteries are faulty, they can blow away your set[…]
Here i am going to show you how to make a simple metallic texture in Adobe Photoshop, it is a beginning level tutorial and easy to make, so lets start. 1. Open new document with size 200*200 px. 2. Now fill the layer with #ffffff. 3. Next goto filter>noise>add noise and use the following settings[…]
Recently i have been doing lots of website building stuff with php,mysql,javascript,CSS and of course HTML. it takes lotsa hard work and loads of burning nights to make your own website from scratch.You can do it two ways :- Use templates and off you go making a clean website with a glossy look(like this blog).[…]
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