“mann.. i lost it .. i had that searched that yesterday, but i cant recall the link at this time” . i used to say this few months ago.. but now what made me write this blog.. i want to share some information with my friends.. Whenever you search in google, you sometimes dont remember[…]
Posts by: Sachin Khosla
After you installed the beautiful netgear’s wireless Lan Card, suddenly you realized that after a reboot, you computer/laptop asks for a password, phewwww what is that ? You never had one and even if you had, then the screen used to have a nice GUI but it has changed to a classic login screen.. aww[…]
hi guys.. I have changed my hosting server and have shifted to a bigger one which offers me more space and bandwidth. So i can always hear your requests of uploading few stuff for you on temp basis and can even provide you subdomains foreg yourname.thinkofcode.com etc etc DO let me know at earliest as[…]
hi guys, you took a cool breath when you searched this on google, right ? well yeah.. lotsa of my friends have been poking me lately cause they think i infected their Laptops/PC when they were not around .. hahahah.. that adds devil smile on my face, cause i did not do it but they[…]
So you got Windows Vista, eh shiney .. ?? Everything is glittering, nice GUI, nice aero effects.. but what suddenly you click any administrative program it just snatches everything and shows a prompt window with black background to ask you to allow that task or, wow you are an administrator no :p The billy team[…]
Not a Microsoft lover, but somehow installed windows vista ultimate today.. Wanted to see what it has stored for me. I was happy with the GUI after its RC built. It was most probably bug free :p .. So i wandered around with the stuff in the windows, I was quite uncomfortable with it, but[…]
Java is getting famous or i should exactly say it is already famous.. I am too late writing this blog though.. well today i feel those who don’t know Java, are if not repenting but are not even happy at what they are doing..? 1 Year back when my friends Joint JAVA course i was[…]
well for me computer is a thing which is kind of everything .. though the first line is really confusing but still you gotta understand it later.. I was working fine with Core 2 duo also would call it as c2d, until one day my junior told me that AMD 4000+ rocks, he got himself[…]
Its been a long time, almost a year when i took this webspace and started the website. Since then there had been lots of ups and downs in my college life so couldnt give time to site. But after a 2 months long vaccation, i could learn php at the finest level(this is what i[…]
Well, lately one of my friend got this worm in her pc and this issue is getting on her nerves and mine too. Cause i am added in her messenger list and after every 5 seconds her ID sends me a message which directs me to open a link and view her PICS 😀 EXAMPLE:[…]
Every Good Thing has some flaws and so does our favorite handset manufacturer NOKIA has got. It is the leading manufacturer today making large number of models every month rather week. But today i was shocked when i heard the news that 3.5 crores of nokia’s batteries are faulty, they can blow away your set[…]
Here i am going to show you how to make a simple metallic texture in Adobe Photoshop, it is a beginning level tutorial and easy to make, so lets start. 1. Open new document with size 200*200 px. 2. Now fill the layer with #ffffff. 3. Next goto filter>noise>add noise and use the following settings[…]
Recently i have been doing lots of website building stuff with php,mysql,javascript,CSS and of course HTML. it takes lotsa hard work and loads of burning nights to make your own website from scratch.You can do it two ways :- Use templates and off you go making a clean website with a glossy look(like this blog).[…]
Travelling to your loved one is a dream come true.. Yes it really is.. it was a nice plan .. I had to visit my gal’s city.. its long long 1419 KM. and in a country (india) where i live travelling that distance is a real pain.. no direct flight, had to travel in discrete[…]
Glamour effect tutorial in Photoshop I know guyss this is a blogging site and not a tutorial sharing site, but i really wanted all of us to blog nicely, so i m jus writting a simple tutorial for adding Life in a picture.. This will look a simple picture glamourss.. i m not good with[…]
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