

OSSCAMP New delhi march 2009 at IIT Delhi

Fellow Campers, How you guys doing lately ? Cracked some softwares ? Well say no to piracy cause we have OSSCAMP delhi back in action for Delhi/NCR region. For those who do not know about OSSCAMp, lemme do a quick copy paste OSScamp is a thriving, young and vibrant community of open source enthusiasts in[…]

OSScamp Pantnagar scheduled for February 2009

Source: Kinshuk’s Blog OSScamps are organized on the lines of bar camps and serves as a dais for Tech professionals, geeks and geeks-to-be to discuss, debate, comment and share their knowledge through demos, presentations and interactions among the campers. It’s an endeavor to gather and collaborate on open source technologies and tools. The OSScamp Pantnagar[…]