Posts by: Sachin Khosla


Dev D movie review

Well certainly i cant believe my senses that i have watched this movie and that too till intermission. The movie is really a scrap and i would suggest you guys not to watch the movie. I was stunned by the 5 sparkling stars which Times of  India gave to “Dev D” in its friday’s newspaper.[…]

BarCamp Delhi 6 venue details

Well the much awaited event of Delhi for the first quarter is already announced and i have this post here which describes the outline of the BarCamp delhi 6. Now we have finalized the the venue as MDI, gurgaon . So start registering yourself at , the registrations will be started pretty soon. We[…]

Barcamp Delhi 6 – BCD6

Barcamp needs no explanation but for some its still a “concept” which they want to understand 😛 Well there is never too late, those who really want to know what i am gonna talk here then please refer to my previous blog entry here Its good to start 2009 with lots of events coming in[…]


So the most talked about movie “Ghajni” got released on Dec 25, 2008. It had faced controversies at the last moment,  but it was released after court issued a stay till Jan6,2009. How could i miss the release of this over-talked movie. My friend somehow convinced me once more time to watch a hindi movie[…]

Now its spam SMS

Heard about spam, junk emails which claims that you won  million dollars over a night ? I have this blog entry here explaining these sorta unsolicited/hoax emails. Well this time outta usual i was spammed on my mobile with a spam text message (SMS). One could have ignored it for the first time, but if[…]

Google’s friend connect

Its social networking everywhere. The more  you connect across people the better you are to go further in whatsoever you are doing. Its all abou the social networking. With the massive success of facebook,orkut,myspace and not to forget the social microblogging website twitter social networking among people is increasing day by day. After the yahoo’s[…]

When is the next bomb blast in india ?

Just a little observation from my friend and she sent me an IM on yahoo, but it was worth a note. So i thought of sharing with you guys.. 13 May   JAIPUR June      NA 26 July     AHMEDABAD August  NA 13 September  DELHI October       NA 26 November  MUMBAI December    NA(hopefully) 13 January       What[…]

YouTube just got Wider

Hey guys, Just opened youtube this morning to watch Russell Peters‘s gags and discovered that youtube’s player got wider than its normal size. Apparently this change has been done as mostly the uploaded videos are near to 4:3 ratio. There are only few videos which has this advantage of wider screen, just like this counter[…]

OSScamp Pantnagar scheduled for February 2009

Source: Kinshuk’s Blog OSScamps are organized on the lines of bar camps and serves as a dais for Tech professionals, geeks and geeks-to-be to discuss, debate, comment and share their knowledge through demos, presentations and interactions among the campers. It’s an endeavor to gather and collaborate on open source technologies and tools. The OSScamp Pantnagar[…]