Posts Tagged: microsoft


UAC:Annoying security prompt in Vista

So you got Windows Vista, eh shiney .. ?? Everything is glittering, nice GUI, nice aero effects.. but what suddenly you click any administrative program it just snatches everything and shows a prompt window with black background to ask you to allow that task or, wow you are an administrator no :p The billy team[…]

Microsoft believes in piracy

Well no doubt the topic really make you think, that i m talking bull shit. well its true, trust me 🙂 Microsoft Corporation, world’s most happening company which promotes legit applications and Operating System, doesn’t use legit software in its own operating system. Well here is a proof, i read it somewhere in a magazine[…]

Hack Windows Built-in Game Pinball

Hi guys, this is a small trick but good one, you can set your high scores in the game pinball, and can also hit the ball where ever you want on the board with the mouse-cursor 🙂 yeah its good no? well for this you just have to open pinball(goto start->run and write “pinball”) when[…]