

Udta Punjab for real

I belong to Punjab and I am proud to be a Punjabi. Not me, but every Punjabi living in Punjab or even outside Punjab are proud that they were born in this part of the world. The best thing about Punjab is its culture, people and of course the food. Land of prosperity, brotherhood, honest[…]

Now Kolaveri Di Punjabi Version

While the world is going crazy about the song Kolaveri Di, we have here is a Punjabi version of the song Kolaveri Di. It is released by DesiRoutz on youtube. Without me saying much about it, just enjoy the song. I found it simply hilarious.   There are many versions of Kolaveri Di songs released[…]

What is flash mob

Flash Mob has been gathering lot of attention in India lately, so what exactly it is ? According to WiKiPedia Flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in the crowd and perform an unusual act. This act can be anything like dancing, pillow fight or anything like that. This is usually a[…]

Now its spam SMS

Heard about spam, junk emails which claims that you won  million dollars over a night ? I have this blog entry here explaining these sorta unsolicited/hoax emails. Well this time outta usual i was spammed on my mobile with a spam text message (SMS). One could have ignored it for the first time, but if[…]

When is the next bomb blast in india ?

Just a little observation from my friend and she sent me an IM on yahoo, but it was worth a note. So i thought of sharing with you guys.. 13 May   JAIPUR June      NA 26 July     AHMEDABAD August  NA 13 September  DELHI October       NA 26 November  MUMBAI December    NA(hopefully) 13 January       What[…]