Hiya guys, Thanks for reading this blog. Its been a long time that i posted something here but thanks to the search engines and loyal users which raise the stats everyday 😛 This entry is going to be silly, pointless or funny but i am really frustrated over these mosquitoes who din let me sleep[…]
So the most talked about movie “Ghajni” got released on Dec 25, 2008. It had faced controversies at the last moment, but it was released after court issued a stay till Jan6,2009. How could i miss the release of this over-talked movie. My friend somehow convinced me once more time to watch a hindi movie[…]
I was going through this weekend issue of Times zigwheels.com and noticed that there is an interesting study which tells how prone or how likely you can encounter an accident based on your sunsign. I did not get the exact graph picture as shown in the newspaper, but i have made a replica of it[…]
Its a moving train. Pakistani Sunni Muslim devotees returned home on a packed train after attending an annual three-day religious congregation in Multan, Pakistan. cheers !! Realin !
I got this funny picture telling just another meaning of wife. It was humorous so i decided to share it with you guys 🙂 I do not know who’s image is this, but if its an offense to the anyone, please step forward and contact me, i will remove it after proper verification Cheers !![…]
Hiya all, I am excited and felicitous when i confirmed that i am going to attend a Barcamp this coming october. But to much of my surprise i found that the people around be exhibit no knowledge about these barcamps or unconferences. Though i walk/talk around the techie people all day but i was still[…]
LONDON: A woman was banned from boarding a budget jet – courtesy her too long name. Ulrika Örtegren-Kärjenmäki failed to fit on Ryanair’s boarding pass and dots on the letters invalidated it in security checks at Stansted Airport, Essex. Swede Ulrika, who was with her daughter, had to pay an extra 380 pounds for a[…]
Hiya all, i got this little C code snippet in my email today.. Its funny, so i wanted to share it with you 🙂 Struct female_professionals { double styles; short skirts; long time_to_understand_ problems; float mind; void knowledge; char non_co-operative; } Struct married_females { double weight; Short tempered; long gossip; Float hopes; void word; char[…]
Hiya all, Few days back, I got an interesting mail forwarded by one of my friend and I couldn’t stop posting it here. Check out some of the very funny and interesting definitions of the various designations of the people related to the IT jobs. Please don’t mind the words, its just for fun :p[…]
hiya all, I found a new tweak to play around with your mobile. Well you can play FM radio in your motorolla phone without having the headphones plugged into. To achieve this you have to simply punch in the following numbers, Just Dial *#**372# or *#**376# Hope this works for you, i tested it on[…]
1. CocaCola was originally green. 2. The most common name in the world is Mohammed. 3.The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with. 4. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. 5. There are two credit cards for every person in the United States. 6. TYPEWRITER[…]
Top Reasons for why anyone like one of us would like to be an IT guy : 1) You get to know about latest gadgets and technology before they hit market. 2) You have geek excuses to give for your mistakes. 3) You can wake up late night without giving any explanation to your family[…]
I am a common man from a common city with some uncommon dreams. But like others i had to move to a metro for better job options and especially when talking about career perspectives. If you are from india, then you must be aware the northern part of the country i.e. Punjab is not much[…]
I am not a very big fan of Hindi movies, but some movies are really good. Yesterday my friend also my roommate wanted to see a newly released movie from bollywood for which people are crazy (as he claims). According to him, it is a movie based on science fiction and is full of action[…]
Java Java is a cargo ship. It’s very bulky. It’s very enterprise~y. Though it can also carry a lot of weight. Will carry a project, but not very fun to drive. Perl Perl is a tugboat. Powerful enough to tug Java around, in 80 characters or less.
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