Hiya all, It was just another day at office and i was working with the dumb goole app engine and python. Struggling to push 40,529 records into google’s datastore through a CSV file was quite a challenging job. The CPU was getting timed out, because google would allow you to push only 10 records at[…]
hiya guys,
I have been writing for a while about career, job, job satisfaction etc. because now that i am in job i can feel the various UPs & Downs in it. One of my friend today got selected for Indian Air Force (IAF) and ofcourse one should be happy for him and I am. But as per he told me that few of our friends are happy but its a fake happiness. But why do we have this hatred feeling for all ? Didn’t we choose our life at our own. The field, the technology we are working on is chosen by our own wish, so why feel envy just cause he is into IAF.
I did not apply for IAF cause i am not interested in serving government, cause our indian govt. wont let you grow instead will teach you how to make your life luxurious using the extra income(bribe). Well no further comments on it 😀
It was a great day when i got into JOB, it feels like i have been gifted for all my efforts. My life’s First JOB, its kinda most awaited feeling in everyone’s life. It comes over the time when you are done with your graduation , but to me it came 6months earlier, during my professional training. hehehhe .. Isn’t it good, eh ?
The things we studied, the things we jotted up in the exam just to clear that paper actually exist .. yeah they do !!
And we used to curse our university for teaching us management subjects during our technical education. Trust me guys, a complete engineer is the one, who is equipped with all the tools from management to technical know-hows. In the market when you gotta face a cut-throat competition, you really have to be different from the same pattern engineers which only know about classes,objects, etc etc.
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