Why you would like to be an IT Guy?


Top Reasons for why anyone like one of us would like to be an IT guy :


1) You get to know about latest gadgets and technology before they hit market.

2) You have geek excuses to give for your mistakes.

3) You can wake up late night without giving any explanation to your family :p

4) You get a JOB which is one of the highly paid jobs in the world.

5) You atleast get one trip to foreign land, if you atleast know what is <?php echo “I know php”; ?>

6) You do all your transactions/shopping/billing sitting right at home. (becasue you know it all)

7) You are a part of sizzling night life.

8 ) Being a part of nice corporate world, you are respected by people around you.

9) Girls like geek guys.

10) You get to earn even if you are jobless (Doing freelancing/ releasing your own libraries).

Please feel free to add your own reasons, i will concatenate them here in main entry with your name in it 🙂

Cheers !!

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Comment (1)

  1. Avaddipipaphy

    August 3, 2008 at 11:47 am

    Thank you

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